Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sucked Into A Book (No Pun Intended)

Just finished reading the first book in a series that I plan on finishing. Obviously left a good impression.

                                          (credit of image goes to Rachel Caine's Site)

Ill Wind by Rachel Caine is one of those page turners that keep you reading from start to finish. Driven by the characters and their interactions and choices, makes you really want to know what will happen next.

It's about a woman named Joanne who has the power to control the weather, and gets drafted into a secretive organization called the "Weather Wardens." Her life gets flipped upside down and she is on the run after a peculiar incident that happens.

I can't go on without some spoilers, whether small or otherwise. This author really shows how people can truly be when they are faced with raw emotion. She holds nothing back, even allowing some swearing on the book where appropriate, and that's a plus. Even the most gentlemanly persona can have a 'fuck' slip out when they are in harms way and putting their life on the line. Or, in the case of Weather Wardens, other people's lives as well.

It's a great blend of fiction and fact. It takes place in the continental United States and has geographical correctness and unless you have a fascination for weather, it will subtly teach you about that as well. (I have background checked all the information in the book and it's true, yes I am a thoroughly anal kind of person sometimes.) It also, on the other hand, shows a magnitude of vivid and colourful (sometimes literally) imagery about how and why people can manipulate such powerful things as the weather, fire, even earth itself. It draws you into the imagery with how well Rachel explains it.

Unless you don't like books that have a firm root in reality with a solid touch of fictional elements such as powers beyond a normal humans, this book (and hopefully it's predecessors) is a must read.

Check it out if you have a chance!

Rachel's Site has a preview of the book's beginning. Check it out if you want here.

Till next time.